
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Strike! RPG Tabletalk
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
This old tabletalk is being reuploaded as part of the migration to the new site! Enjoy the Chicago Irregulars, for the first time, again!

Saturday Feb 07, 2015
Strike! RPG 1-2: Fight at the Museum
Saturday Feb 07, 2015
Saturday Feb 07, 2015
The (chem)trail of Ivan Meštrović's missing bow and spear lead the team to the Field Museum. Unfortunately, stealth is not a strong point-- consequently, ancient magic and (comparatively) modern guards are determined the party's limbs be emanicipated from their bodies.
The Gharbad Experience
Six Feats Under presents: Strike!
The original Strike! playtest thread on SomethingAwful (may require an account)
Contact: sixfeatsunder@gmail.com

Friday Jan 30, 2015
Strike! RPG 1-1: The Chicago Irregulars
Friday Jan 30, 2015
Friday Jan 30, 2015
In the near future, all conspiracy theories are revealed to be true, except for those which were incorrect in favor of even stranger ones. Introducing in this bizarre new world the Chicago Irregulars: Adam Smasher (Ikks), son of the devil J.D. (Drakkel), Laika the Space Dog (Gharbad), Providence (Panzer Skank), and special guest, creator of Strike! Jim McGarva as secret lizardman Johnny Reptowski.
Six Feats Under presents: Strike!
The original Strike! playtest thread on SomethingAwful (may require an account)
Contact: sixfeatsunder@gmail.com

Friday Jan 30, 2015
Strike! Chat: Designing from Influences
Friday Jan 30, 2015
Friday Jan 30, 2015
Strike! is an RPG that refines D&D, Burning Wheel, Mouse Guard, 13th Age and more down to a simple, fast formula. Ironicus and company discuss the process of effectively designing from such influences with Strike! creator Jim McGarva.
Six Feats Under presents: Strike!
The original Strike! playtest thread on SomethingAwful (may require an account)Contact: sixfeatsunder@gmail.com
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