
Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
World Wide Wrestling RPG 3 Tabletalk
Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
Wednesday Mar 02, 2016

Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
World Wide Wrestling RPG 3: The Electric Can Opener Saga
Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
Wednesday Mar 02, 2016

Saturday Apr 25, 2015
World Wide Wrestling 2 Tabletalk
Saturday Apr 25, 2015
Saturday Apr 25, 2015
A brief discussion of the many wrasslin' real-world mess-ups that inspired 80-90 percent of this session. Probably all sessions.

Saturday Apr 25, 2015
World Wide Wrestling 2-2: All-In Brawlin'
Saturday Apr 25, 2015
Saturday Apr 25, 2015
Hel-lo everyone, this is World Wide Wrestling! Since you last tuned in, two formidable new wrestlers have debuted: the ferocious Captain Cay (Ikks) and the calculating Professor Cluesworthy (Gnome)!

Wednesday Apr 22, 2015
World Wide Wrestling 2-1: Surf 'n Turf; Detective vs Detected
Wednesday Apr 22, 2015
Wednesday Apr 22, 2015
This is World Wide Wrestling! Since you last tuned in, two formidable new wrestlers have debuted: the ferocious Captain Cay (Ikks) and the calculating Professor Cluesworthy (Gnome)! In tonight's ice-cold matches, these rookies face off against our fan favorites, Eve Young (Drakkel) and The Can Opener (Ambisagrus)! Our wrestlers are putting everything they've got on the line tonight. Who will make it to the championships, and who will be left in the dust? I'm Biff Wilcox, and... welcome back!

Saturday Feb 21, 2015
World Wide Wrestling RPG 1-2: Tommy the Cat vs Johnny Young Bots
Saturday Feb 21, 2015
Saturday Feb 21, 2015
Oh, collusion! Tommy the Cat, beloved veteran, not only wrecks Eve's victory and trashes the great state of Ohio, but issues an open challenge-- one accepted by mysterious newcomer hailing from the distant future, Johnny Young Bots! I'm Biff Wilcox, and I wasn't here for this one-- but boy, do I wish I was!
WWWRPG Tabletalk
Six Feats Under presents: WWWRPG

Saturday Feb 14, 2015
World Wide Wrestling RPG 1-1: The Can Opener vs Eve Young
Saturday Feb 14, 2015
Saturday Feb 14, 2015
Ladies and gentlemen, what a match we have for you tonight! The plucky Eve Young, daughter of legendary DIck Young, faces off against the unstoppable man-mountain Can Opener! Will this monster be knocked down at last, or will Eve become the latest in a long, long trail of debris in the Opener's path? I'm Biff Wilcox, and this is one match you gotta see to believe!
Six Feats Under presents: WWWRPG

Saturday Feb 14, 2015
World Wide Wrestling RPG 0: Filling the Roster
Saturday Feb 14, 2015
Saturday Feb 14, 2015
Promoter Nathan Paoletta is all set for fight night, but needs some talent-- enter the 6FU team! WWWRPG, though based on Apocalypse World, has some extra-special rules for play, so join us as we build our characters and get the juicy deets on Eve Young (Drakkel), Tommy the Cat (Gharbad), The Can Opener (Ambisagrus), and Johnny Young Bots (Ironicus!)
Six Feats Under presents: WWWRPG

Saturday Feb 14, 2015
World Wide Wrestling RPG Chat: Show Wrestling & RPGs
Saturday Feb 14, 2015
Saturday Feb 14, 2015
WWWRPG designer Nathan Paoletta joins us to discuss the surprising similarities between professional wrestling shows and roleplaying games, from the safe exploration of the captivation of violence to the concept of collaboration with an apparent opponent.