Tuesday Nov 24, 2015
Fellowship 2: Bungo Bullroarer is Dead!
Tuesday Nov 24, 2015
Tuesday Nov 24, 2015
The Fellowship failed. This won't be an easy journey. Bungo Bullroarer has, to all accounts, fallen, and the remaining heroes drag themselves back to the ominous keep overlooking the recently-burnt town. There, they muster their courage and triumph over the Overlord's remaining garrison and learn the first details of her plan. However, corruption now spreads to all four corners of the world. If the Fellowship doesn't hurry, their quest will be over where it began. As dead as Bungo Bullroarer. Heh, heh.
Six Feats Under Presents: Fellowship
Clove's Twitter - Tumblr
Marah's Twitter - Tumblr - Undertale Stream
Eric Hornby - Melty Mole - Washy Wishes
Earthtongue - Dreamsweeper
Faerie Skies
Friday Oct 02, 2015
Fellowship Tabletalk
Friday Oct 02, 2015
Friday Oct 02, 2015
The table had a lot to say today, on topics from various character name databases to the secret behind Kroll's loincloth.
Tabletalk takes place before, during, and after our sessions. It's lightly edited and perfect for casual listening, and to get an idea of just what we were thinking when we did all that nonsense!
Six Feats Under Presents: Fellowship
Character Name Database Section Code SW
Character Name Database Section Code LOTR
Character Name Database Section Code EW1
Character Name Database Section Code EW2
Character Name Database Section Code EW3
This Thing - Create Your Own Hell
Friday Oct 02, 2015
Fellowship 1: Bungo Bullroarer's Fine Sunday Morning
Friday Oct 02, 2015
Friday Oct 02, 2015
A quiet little halfling house is disturbed one morning as a wizened musician comes for tea, an orc snores on the doorstop, and the hill beneath rises to its feet-- just in time for the idyllic village nearby to burst into flame. The not-so-heroic foursome bursts cautiously into action, joined by a larcenous dwarf. Perhaps one village will be saved, but the culprit's identity leaves the fate of the world at large in question.
Six Feats Under Presents: Fellowship
Clove's Twitter - Tumblr
Marah's Twitter - Tumblr
Solstoria by Charmwitch
Sunday Sep 27, 2015
Fellowship part 0: The Fellowship of a Thing
Sunday Sep 27, 2015
Sunday Sep 27, 2015
Tolkien fiction's great and all, but what if it were... better? Resident game developer Gnome's latest reveals a better way. Let's learn about a new fellowship... and a new overlord. Featuring Ironicus as the giant Kroll, Nate as the halfling Bungo Bullroarer, Clove as the harbinger Granny Uta Obaasan, Marah as the orc Rallix Ricebelly... and the one and only Gnome as the great and terrible Iron General, Glory from Beyond.