Monday Jun 22, 2015
Night Witches Tabletalk
Monday Jun 22, 2015
Monday Jun 22, 2015
Due to a different recording method, audio quality is diminished.
Character building, session planning, "character building", and "session planning".
Tabletalk takes place before, during, and after our sessions. It's lightly edited and perfect for casual listening, and to get an idea of just what we were thinking when we did all that nonsense!
Six Feats Under presents: Night Witches
Atomic Robo Vol. 7 on Amazon
Atomic Robo Vol. 7 available for free, officially, for real, right here
Fiasco: Small Things playbook
Arden's Twitter
Date or Die!
DeviousVacuum on Twitter
DeviousVacuum on Youtube
DeviousVacuum on Twitch.tv
Marah's Twitter
Marah's Art Blog
Monday Jun 22, 2015
Night Witches 1-2: ...Dies in the Light
Monday Jun 22, 2015
Monday Jun 22, 2015
Due to a different recording method, audio quality is diminished.
Flying high after an extremely successful mission, the women of the squad decide to tackle the problems back at base far more boldly than before. Love, life, and small, sweet vengeances rule the day. Yet pride is, after all, known as a deadly sin, and the squad decides to take on the most dangerous mission known to the 588th: a daylight supply drop in occupied territory. Without the cover of night, one might imagine the witches don't stand a chance.
Six Feats Under presents: Night Witches
Arden's Twitter
Date or Die!
DeviousVacuum on Twitter
DeviousVacuum on Youtube
DeviousVacuum on Twitch.tv
Marah's Twitter
Marah's Art Blog
Monday Jun 22, 2015
Night Witches 1-1: What Thrives at Night...
Monday Jun 22, 2015
Monday Jun 22, 2015
Left to right: Zoya, Tasha, Mischa, and Liza
Art by Cataegory
Due to a different recording method, audio quality is diminished.
Spring, 1943. The Night Witches return to base after another grueling mission to find themselves faced with hostility at every turn, as their achievements, equipment, and even their sorely-needed rest are stolen from them. Captains Zolotaya "Zola" Zolenko (DeviousVacuum) and Mischa Venediktova (Marah) navigate the political minefield of their duty camp alongside squad members Natalya "Tasha" Maltseva (Arden) and Elizaveta "Liza" Voropaeva (Eliza).
Six Feats Under presents: Night Witches
Arden's Twitter
Date or Die!
DeviousVacuum on Twitter
DeviousVacuum on Youtube
DeviousVacuum on Twitch.tv
Marah's Twitter
Marah's Art Blog
Monday Jun 22, 2015
Night Witches Chat: Gaming with Difficult Issues
Monday Jun 22, 2015
Monday Jun 22, 2015
Due to a different recording method, audio quality is diminished.
Night Witches handles a real-life regiment of Russian airwomen in WWII, meaning it entails many potentially uncomfortable situations. Ironicus and Eliza (AWoodenPalisade) are joined by special guests Arden, DeviousVacuum, and Marah (0rangesicle) to discuss ways to ensure players feel comfortable, drawing especially on experiences as queer women. Strategies depend on open communication, patience, and a willingness to learn.
Six Feats Under presents: Night Witches
The X Card Safety Tools
Grey Ranks
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
World of Darkness
Arden's Twitter
Date or Die!
DeviousVacuum on Twitter
DeviousVacuum on Youtube
DeviousVacuum on Twitch.tv
Marah's Twitter
Marah's Art Blog
Thursday Jun 11, 2015
13th Age 66.6: You Can (Not) Roll Dice
Thursday Jun 11, 2015
Thursday Jun 11, 2015
When the GM's away, the players will, uh, continue on. Relaxing in Equinox Manor after their recent harrowing battle, the Elements discuss challenges to come-- but especially the moon. Really, it's hard not to talk about the moon once you know it's an enormous hovering labyrinth.
(Don't panic-- this episode begins with 5 minutes of tabletalk!)
Six Feats Under presents: 13th Age
Thursday Jun 04, 2015
Goblin Quest Tabletalk
Thursday Jun 04, 2015
Thursday Jun 04, 2015
Tabletalk takes place before, during, and after our sessions. It's lightly edited and perfect for casual listening, and to get an idea of just what we were thinking when we did all that nonsense!
Six Feats Under Presents: Goblin Quest
Thursday Jun 04, 2015
Goblin Quest: Hootenanny Hijack
Thursday Jun 04, 2015
Thursday Jun 04, 2015
Ironicus, Medibot, Gharbad, Panzer, and guest Grant Howitt party.
Presented in loving memory of the bottom fifth of Jimber Onegoblin and Hombre the Talented who were eaten by an orc; Dork Stubkins who had all four eyes pecked out; Johnny Matches who burned bright; Chaps the Talented who met the swamp; Imbo Applecola who made an alligator friend; the top fourth of Jimber which was taken by birds; Dote Applecola who enjoyed earwax; Finkle Stubkins who was crushed by Frosty; Frosty who bounced away; one third of Jimber which became enlightened; Piggy the Talented who trained goats too well; Steve, one half of Jimber, Swabbie the Talented, Stinky Stubkins, and Elks Applecola who fell against the Horse; and Spanners, who popped.
Wushu RPG
Thursday Jun 04, 2015
Goblin Quest Chat: Comedy in Games
Thursday Jun 04, 2015
Thursday Jun 04, 2015
Designer of Goblin Quest Grant Howitt joins Ironicus, Medibot, Gharbad, and Panzer to discuss how comedy, which often comes from subversion of a framework, can be accounted and designed for in roleplaying games. There are two key factors: writing vaguely enough for the players to add their own comedy, and ensuring comedy and progress are not mutually exclusive. To think, before this I thought I just had to play something sad and wait a while.
Paranoia's complete Kickstarter
InSpectres RPG
Saturday May 30, 2015
13th Age 66: Equinox Tour Tabletalk
Saturday May 30, 2015
Saturday May 30, 2015
TV, horses, games, the moon, mars-- the podcasting cornerstones you've come to know and love in 2015. Stick around for the secret of Inverse World
Tabletalk takes place before, during, and after our sessions. It's lightly edited and perfect for casual listening, and to get an idea of just what we were thinking when we did all that nonsense!
Saturday May 30, 2015
13th Age 66-2: Equinox: Come for the Tour, Stay Away from the Demons
Saturday May 30, 2015
Saturday May 30, 2015
The mysterious elves led by Asura have revealed themselves as rakshasa under the demon queen Corson's command! Routed at Forge, Corson now plans to take the Elven Court, and Equinox Manor has graciously been chosen as the knifepoint of the invasion. It once again falls to the Elements to stop the rogue demon's advance-- and this time, their home is at stake.
Six Feats Under presents: 13th Age
Tuesday May 26, 2015
13th Age 66-1: Equinox: If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home
Tuesday May 26, 2015
Tuesday May 26, 2015
In the time the Elements have been away, Equinox Manor has grown into a thriving village and tourist hotspot. Appropriately, the team's business back at the manor is somewhat hampered by a variety of peculiar guests. The champion of Axis and his crowd of admirers, an elven knight in search of certain stolen properties, and a band of strangely silent elves eager to have an audience with the Duchess Bella Canto... it's the perfect day for something to go terribly wrong.
Saturday May 23, 2015
Costume Fairy Adventures 2 Tabletalk
Saturday May 23, 2015
Saturday May 23, 2015
Six Feats Under Presents: Costume Fairy Adventures
Saturday May 23, 2015
Costume Fairy Adventures 2-2: Pie for a Pie!
Saturday May 23, 2015
Saturday May 23, 2015
A storm is brewing over this lovely town's festival and those charming fairies who adore making a mess of everything. A living legend has learned of the Pie Festival, and she wants to see it-- stamped into the ground. It'll take an awful lot of wishful thinking to save the day-- luckily, our favorite fairies are more than ready to rise to the occasion.
Motes per Minute (mpm): 0.59
The winner is... Everyone